KnobMan Online Help
10.File Formats
Knob-file Format
The knob data is saved as a ".knob" file. The ".knob" file include all parameters for the knob and thumbnail image. You can browse ".knob" files by Explorer . Refer the "KnobBrowser". Also you can use ".knob" files directly as a importable image for the "SkinMan" GUI designer. The frame number of the thumbnail image is determined by the 'TestMode' current position.
Export File Format
The result Strip image will be exported from menu, "File"-"Export Image" command. The export file format is automatically decided by the filename extension.
Supported File
".bmp" / ".jpg" / ".png" / ".gif" / ".tif" / ".tga"
Animation file
Only the ".gif" and ".png" files support animation. If you want to export as a animation, check the 'Export Option' - 'Animation' in the Preference page, and next, ExportImage as a ".gif" or ".png" file.
GIF: Known as a 'AnimationGIF' file. the extension is ".gif"
PNG: APNG file format. the extension is ".png". In browsers, only the FireFox and Opera can show as animation. Because APNG has downward compatible to normal PNG, other browsers will show first frame still image.
Alpha information
If you choose the ".png"/".tga" as the export file format, the background color setting in the preference page is ignored, and alpha information will be saved with no background.
Only .png/.tga files have a alpha-layer. and .tga files are supported only for exporting. if you have imported from .png file, you can choose the transparency to "Use AlphaLayer" that has been embedded to the original png file. About another file format, you can only select "1st Pix Color" will be processed as transparent. In addition, the "IntelligentAlpha" will be activate when "1stPixColor" is selected.