g200kg > KnobMan Online Help > 04.Preview
KnobMan Online Help
« Prev 00.Index 01.What is this? 02.Overview 03.Value Handling 04.Preview 05.Preference 06.Primitive 07.Effects 08.Color Window 09.Texture 10.File Formats 11.Dynamic Texts 12.Animation Curve 14.Plugins 15.Plugin API 16.Simple Tutorial 17.Knob Browser 18.Multi Language Support 19.History 20.FAQ Next »

Preview pane shows the result of rendering. three modes (Preview/Render/Test) are available. the number of frames for preview or render are set in preference page. The 'File'-'ExportImage' command will use the frames for 'Render' irrespective to preview mode.
'Test' mode shows the result of animation by dragging the slider
Dragging the preview image

Dragging from the Preview pane will make the floating image of the knob that can be moved to outside of window. This will make easy to confirm how looks the knob on background image. To hide the floating image, click right button.
« Prev 00.Index 01.What is this? 02.Overview 03.Value Handling 04.Preview 05.Preference 06.Primitive 07.Effects 08.Color Window 09.Texture 10.File Formats 11.Dynamic Texts 12.Animation Curve 14.Plugins 15.Plugin API 16.Simple Tutorial 17.Knob Browser 18.Multi Language Support 19.History 20.FAQ Next »