g200kg > KnobMan Online Help > 13.自由形状
KnobMan Online Help
Prev < | 00.Index | 01.What is this? | 02.Overview | 03.Value Handling | 04.Preview | 05.Preference | 06.Primitive | 07.Effects | 08.Color Window | 09.Texture | 10.File Formats | 11.Dynamic Texts | 12.Animation Curve | 13.自由形状 | 14.Plugins | 15.Plugin API | 16.Simple Tutorial | 17.Knob Browser | 18.Multi Language Support | 19.History | 20.FAQ | > Next



Editting Points
You can select a point by clicking the "Blue" points. Selected point is displayed by "Red" and bezier control points are also be shown. All blue/red points can be edit by mouse dragging. The two control points can be edit separately if you press&drag with "ShiftKey". Ctrl+drag also available for move the path without transform.
Add/Delete Points
"Del Point" button will delete a current focused point. Leftbutton-down& drag will add a point to after of current focused point.Shape Save/Load
Created Shapes can be save/load by "Save Shape" / "Load Shape" buttons. These shapes are saved as a .svg file that can be edited by 'Inkscape' or other svg editor (but confirmed only with 'Inkscape').
you can design new shape from scratch by 'Inkscape' but the .svg should be satisfy these conditions:
- the size should be 256x256 pix
- only the 'Path' commands are recognized. if you want to use 'Arc' or other, that sould be converted to 'Path'
- Only the path coodinates are used. Colors or other properties are ignored.
Prev < | 00.Index | 01.What is this? | 02.Overview | 03.Value Handling | 04.Preview | 05.Preference | 06.Primitive | 07.Effects | 08.Color Window | 09.Texture | 10.File Formats | 11.Dynamic Texts | 12.Animation Curve | 13.自由形状 | 14.Plugins | 15.Plugin API | 16.Simple Tutorial | 17.Knob Browser | 18.Multi Language Support | 19.History | 20.FAQ | > Next