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12.Animation Curve
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Animation Curve
[ Japanese | English ]
The animation between 'From' and 'To' can be not only linear. (For example, the LED only need obvious 'On' and 'Off' states. or VU level color turn red only if over 0dB) You can make complex animation curve by "AnimCurve"-"Curve1-Curve8" menu. In this curve editor, curves are editable with mouse dragging.
In addition, if the 'StepReso' parameter is set to non-zero, the curve is processed as stair-like.

These curves are assigned with effect parameter's animation drop-down.
« Prev 00.Index 01.What is this? 02.Overview 03.Value Handling 04.Preview 05.Preference 06.Primitive 07.Effects 08.Color 09.Texture 10.File Formats 11.Dynamic Texts 12.Animation Curve 13.Shapes 14.Simple Tutorial 15.Knob Browser 16.Multi-language Support 17.History 18.FAQ Next »