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JKnobMan Online Help
16.Multi-language Support
« Prev 00.Index 01.What is this? 02.Overview 03.Value Handling 04.Preview 05.Preference 06.Primitive 07.Effects 08.Color 09.Texture 10.File Formats 11.Dynamic Texts 12.Animation Curve 13.Shapes 14.Simple Tutorial 15.Knob Browser 16.Multi-language Support 17.History 18.FAQ Next »
Multi Language Support
[ Japanese | English ]
JKnobMan has a multi-language support mechanism. If you want your own language support, you need to create/translate the language file.
The language-files are placed to the folder 'Resource/Lang' under the JKnobMan folder.

The your own language-files can be named you like and select with the 'File'-'Config...' dialog.

The language-files are unicode text file. Most simple way is COPY the 'en.ini' (english) to 'mylang.ini' and edit that file by NOTEPAD.
The contents of the language-file is basically

« Prev 00.Index 01.What is this? 02.Overview 03.Value Handling 04.Preview 05.Preference 06.Primitive 07.Effects 08.Color 09.Texture 10.File Formats 11.Dynamic Texts 12.Animation Curve 13.Shapes 14.Simple Tutorial 15.Knob Browser 16.Multi-language Support 17.History 18.FAQ Next »