14.Simple Tutorial
Simple Tutorial
[ Japanese | English ]
Run the JKnobMan. There are 3 layers from begining.

Okay. Select 'CircleFill' primitive for Layer 1.

Then the preview window display 5 red circle fills. In default, the preview frames are setup to five.
Change the primitive color to you want. It will be the knob body

Next, make indicator. Select Layer-2, and Select 'Line' for primitive.

Make the line a little bold with 'Width' parameter, and choose the color.

The indicatior should be rotate! Edit the 'Angle' parameter in the Effects section.... From -145 ? (in degree)

Yes, To +145 degree. You can see the preview of rotating indicator.

Okay, what size do you need? Press the 'Preference' tab. and edit the bitmap size and the number of frames for rendering.

You can comfirm the output image by select 'Render' mode or 'Test' mode in the preview pane.

Output the image from 'File'-'Export Image' menu.

